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About Reality Check

Our Team

Reality Check Entertainment

Kristi Vannatter

Producer, Talent

Joe Weckerle

Writer, Producer

Stephen Wise

Writer, Director, Producer

Our History

Reality Check Entertainment

Kristi Vannatter,  Joe Weckerle, and Stephen Wise have worked together in one way or another on various projects since the late 1990s and decided to reteam in 2018 to form Reality Check Entertainment, LLC. Joe and Stephen initially worked together for New Focus Films working on documentaries and developing feature films. Joe met Kristi when he was involved in creating the sports-themed series At the Top of Her Game, which Kristi hosted and for which she won a Crystal Reel Award. All three collaborated on the short film “Ice Blue”. Joe and Stephen went on to co-write two feature-length screenplays, The Magic Hour and Ten Gray Men, currently in development at Reality Check.

In the years since meeting, all three have worked in various capacities in the entertainment industry and have been recognized for their accomplishments. They now have reunited with the goal of producing feature films that will entertain and inspire audiences everywhere.

Mission & Vision

VISION: To be the premiere independent motion picture production company in the eastern United States.

MISSION: To create filmed entertainment of various genres that is imaginative, attracts a wide audience of dedicated viewers, and provides a sizable profit for our investors.

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