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Author: Reality Check Team


In a nomadic civilization, a woman fleeing from her past comes upon an orphaned girl in the wilderness and must deliver her to safety, but during the journey runs into a band of marauders that she must fight to save both of their lives.

Ice Blue

An alcoholic mystery author discovers that his wife, a college professor, is cheating on him with a student and turns to the bottle and his gun collection for solace. What he doesn’t know is that his wife and her lover plan to murder him in order to gain control over his rights to his work to sell to Hollywood. When the student shows up at the house, tensions grow that result in death.

From the Ashes

A world-wide phenomenon renders most of the world’s population blind. A 12-year-old boy must search for his parents through the remains of our society, meeting a variety of people along the way who deal with this upheaval in their own ways. They include a man trying to organize salvation for others, a woman traveling with her son to find help, a man blind since birth, an old survivalist, and a recently blind woman who has gone insane.


In a satire of Cops, a video crew follows three different criminals as they explain to the viewing audience their craft while actually conducting their illegal activities.  The criminals include an “observer”, a “funds transferer”, and a “re-allocator of wealth”.