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From the Ashes

From the Ashes

A world-wide phenomenon renders most of the world’s population blind. A 12-year-old boy must search for his parents through the remains of our society, meeting a variety of people along the way who deal with this upheaval in their own ways. They include a man trying to organize salvation for others, a woman traveling with her son to find help, a man blind since birth, an old survivalist, and a recently blind woman who has gone insane.

This is a short version of a feature-length screenplay, illustrating several episodes from the larger story.  It was an Official Selection of the 2004 Putnam County Film & Video Festival and Film Slam.

Stephen Wise – Screenwriter, Director, and Editor

***This motion picture was not produced in association with Reality Check Entertainment***

Short Film

Directed by

Stephen Wise

Written by

Lee Shapiro & Stephen Wise

Produced by

Lee Shapiro

Release Date: