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Reality Check is developing the feature film The Magic Hour, which is an anthology of psychological horror and fantasy. Anthology films have been a staple through the years with comedies like Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life or Mel Brooks’s History of the World Park 1, though horror anthologies are probably more popular, including the upcoming Nightmare Cinema by Mick Garris, Joe Dante, and others. Anthologies–a collection of short stories–are a great way of telling a variety of tales in unique ways. In some cases, like Twilight Zone: The Movie, different directors take a crack at individual stories, whereas others like Creepshow are all from the same director (in this case George A. Romero from a screenplay by Stephen King) stylized like a horror comic book come to life. These offer fun and thrills in small bites, and with The Magic Hour, an over-arching story told between the different episodes.

For further information on film anthologies, here are some suggested articles:
21 Best Horror Anthologies
10 Great Anthology Films
The Best Anthology Films of All Time